Reassess mining, quarry works in uplands – Rama

CEBU City Mayor Michael Rama wants to reevaluate quarry and mining operations in upland barangays to make sure they are not jeopardizing public safety.

“With the erratic climate that we now have, we should be prudent and expeditious with our scrutiny,” he said.

The mayor said that upland developments like the ongoing Monterrazas de Cebu earthworks contribute to flooding problems in the city.

He asked for a meeting with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Department of Public Works and Highways and the Department of Engineering and Public Works to discuss his concerns on quarry and mining operations in the upland barangays.

Rama said he hasn’t decided yet whether the quarry operations should be stopped.

“I want to be convinced why I should not stop civil works being done in the upland,” he said.

Councilor Augustus Pe Jr., head of the Cebu City Mining Regulatory Board, said that as of yesterday there were only two holders of active quarry permits in the city and two small-scale mining permits.

These permits allow quarry operations in barangay Pulang Bato and Budlaan from 2008 to 2015 while the mining permits allow mining in barangay Mabini from 2010 to 2012.

Mining Board records also include 27 special hauling permits.

Pe said hauling permits are especially issued to contractors who needed to deliver soil and other filling materials to or from their work site.

He said it is the mayor’s prerogative to reevaluate the permits since he was the final signatory.

Rama visited landslide-affected areas in barangays Guadalupe and Kalunasan on Thursday night.

The mayor said he ordered steel plates installed on one lane in sitio Sandayong so light vehicles could pass.

The road was ordered closed by the City Risk Reduction Management Council on Wednesday night after soil near its slope started to erode.

Rama said one side of the road where the steel plates were placed was already passable.

He said he also wanted a riprap installed to protect the slope and prevent further soil erosion.

He also ordered the removal of structures near the slope, which would case soil to erode.  Chief of Reporters Doris C. Bongcac