Tagle laments House vote in favor of RH bill

Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle. AP FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines–The House of Representatives’ decision to approve on second reading the controversial Reproductive Health bill was “tragic and unfortunate,” Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle said.

In a statement he issued on Thursday before leaving for Vietnam, Tagle called for “healing” while adding that the vote would spur the Church to work harder to defend the “sanctity of life.”

‘‘The vote in favor of the RH Bill in Congress is unfortunate and tragic. But we do not take it as a defeat of truth–for truth shall prevail, especially the truth about human life, marriage and the family,’’ Tagle said

The Cardinal thanked and commended the lawmakers, Church people, organizations and citizens “who worked hard and tirelessly in a variety of ways to expose the flaws of the RH bill, to form consciences and to contribute to the search for the common good.”

“This vote leads us to further commit the Church, specifically the Archdiocese of Manila to the service of the poor, of the family, of women, of infants and children,” Tagle said.

“We will work harder to promote the sanctity of human life and of the human person, the integral education of the youth, the access of the poor to social and medical services, the preservation of the true meaning of marriage, and stewardship of creation,” he said.

“We call on all Filipinos to work towards healing, and journey together humbly and justly as children of God,” Tagle added.

Tagle left Manila Thursday morning for Ho Chi Minh City to attend the general assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences.

The FABC was supposed to meet last month but the meeting was postponed after Tagle was made a cardinal and had to attend the consistory in Rome.