Police nab habal-habal driver accused of molesting girl

POLICE arrested a habal-habal driver for allegedly molesting a five-year-old girl in barangay Upper Mohon, Talisay City, southern Cebu.

Ramson Camasura, 19, was arrested a day after the alleged abuse was reported to the police by the girl’s mother and grandmother.

Police said while the mother and the grandmother were at work, the girl was left in the care of Camasura’s mother who was hired to watch over  the child.

The girl stayed in the suspect’s house while her mother was away.

Police said the alleged abuse was discovered Monday night when the grandmother asked the girl why she had no underwear on.

The girl told her grandmother that it was Camasura who undressed her and touched her private parts, said PO2 Violeta Godinez of the women’s and children’s desk of the Talisay City Police Office.

After reporting to the police, the complainants were advised to have the girl examined at a hospital where it was found out that the girl had lacerations in her private part.

Operatives of the Talisay police went to the suspect’s house but he was not there. Police finally cornered the suspect in his home the next day.

Police said that according to the girl, it was the third time that she was molested by the suspect.

A charge of rape will be filed against the suspect, police said./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC