Bartolome’s ‘non-duty’ status won’t affect PNP – spokesman

Director General Nicanor Bartolome PHOTO MATIKAS SANTOS

MANILA, Philippines – It will be business as usual even if the Philippine National Police (PNP) chief will go into non-duty status ahead of his retirement in March next year, a PNP spokesman said Tuesday.

President Benigno Aquino III told reporters in Laos Tuesday that he would talk with Director General Nicanor Bartolome about going on “no-duty status” sometime in November or December this year instead of March next year when the security preparations for the elections are at its peak.

Chief Superintendent Generoso Cerbo, PNP Spokesman, said that he has yet to speak with Bartolome about Aquino’s statement but said “it’s not a problem with the PNP chief, he is not affected.”

When asked if it will be business as usual, Cerbo said, “Yes, that has never been an issue.”

“We in the PNP as an institution, we don’t revolve around personalities and we have a very strong organization. We have the PNP Command Group Directorial Staff and regional directors down the line and a strong chain of command,” Cerbo said.

The people in the positions change but the functions remain and will not change, he added.

Bartolome is set to retire from the PNP on his 56th birthday in March, a few months before the midterm elections in May.

Aquino also noted that an election ban in February will prevent him from appointing a new PNP Chief that would be able to oversee the peace and order during the elections.

Cerbo said that if Bartolome was put into non-duty status, he will simply not be in any specific duty but will still be in the police force.

“As PNP officials, we are just doing our work … as to what his personal feelings are, I cannot say,” Cerbo said.