New Hampshire towns cast first Election Day votes

In this still frame made from video, voters drop their ballots in the ballot box after casting their votes in Dixville Notch, N.H., Tuesday as they cast the first Election Day votes in the nation. AP PHOTO

DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire — Residents of two tiny villages in northern New Hampshire headed to the polls at midnight, casting the first Election Day votes in the US.

After 43 seconds of voting, President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney each had 5 votes in Dixville Notch.

In Hart’s Location, Obama won with 23 votes, Romney received 9 and Libertarian Gary Johnson received 1 vote. Thirty-three votes were cast in 5 minutes, 42 seconds.

The towns have been enjoying their first-vote status since 1948 and it’s a matter of pride to get everyone to the polls.

Hart’s Location Selectman Mark Dindorf says you could call it a friendly competition to see who gets their votes tallied first, although he says Hart’s Location is a town and Dixville Notch is a precinct.