San Carlos Seminary College celebrates fiesta

THIRTY two years ago, the San Carlos Seminary College (SCSC) community started its devotion to St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus, and introduced it also to the general public through a fiesta celebration in her honor.

The purpose of the celebration is two-fold: to foster devotion to the Little Flower and to train seminarians in the running of affairs of such a celebration.

Since then, the community’s devotion to St. Thérèse and its two-fold purpose has produced bountiful harvest of blessings through the years.

This year’s fiesta celebration takes on an added significance. First, it coincides with the 10th anniversary of the “house-by-house” structure whereby seminarians are encouraged to follow the examples of their respective house patron saints. Second, it coincides with the 115th death anniversary of St. Thérèse. It is worth remembering that it was at her deathbed that St. Therese accomplished the secret of her Little Flower spirituality; that in the heart of the Church, her vocation is love.

The SCSC community invites everyone to join the celebration of the 32nd annual fiesta with a theme, Renewing faith and life with Thérèse. The novena in her honor started last Sept. 21. Her feast day will be celebrated tomorrow, Sept. 30.

For more information, contact 232-8506.