Businessman accused of bribing traffic enforcer

A Businessman faces charges after he was accused of trying to bribe a traffic enforcer who had flagged him down for a traffic violation in Pasig City.

Criminal charges were filed Tuesday against Santos Dulot, 36, after he reportedly offered P100 to Dominador Briones who earlier accosted him for beating the red light on R. Jabson Street.

Briones filed a complaint for corruption of a public official in the Pasig City police headquarters against Dulot, the owner of an eatery on C-5 Road.

According to Briones, Dulot, who was in a blue Toyota Corolla, initially offered to give him money for coffee after the former flagged him down for beating the red light at 6 a.m. Tuesday.

Briones said he asked Dulot to hand over his driver’s license instead. When he opened the plastic case which contained the license, he saw that it came with a P100 bill.

The other traffic enforcers assigned in the area saw the exchange between Briones and Dulot which prompted them to take the businessman to the police headquarters, Police Officer 3 Emilton Ladisla of the city’s Criminal Investigation Unit told the Inquirer.

Dulot, in his defense, said that he did not intend to give Briones any money.

He said that contrary to what Briones said, the money had been “inadvertently” inserted into the plastic case containing his driver’s license.

Should the businessman be found guilty of the charge, Ladisala said that he may face imprisonment of up to six years. Kristine Felisse Mangunay