Teen arrested for bike theft

POLICE arrested a teenager accused of stealing a motorcycle in barangay Centro, Mandaue City.

Ardian Bergado, 19, was arrested about two hours after the motorcycle of Marcial Sanchez, 39, was stolen at the new Mandaue City public market in sitio Tribunal.

Four witnesses saw Bergado steal Sanchez’s motorcycle at dawn yesterday, said SPO3 Marcos Noval Jr. of the Investigation and Detection Management Branch (IDMB).

Sanchez of barangay Occidental, Consolacion town went to the market around 2 a.m. on board a motorcycle with plate number 6206-YY. Marcial parked his motorcycle outside the market where Bergado reportedly served as a watcher of parked vehicles.

Bergado was on his way home when he found out that his motorcycle was missing. He reported to the IDMB.

Based on witness accounts, police invited Bergado’s father who helped the investigators locate the man.

On their way to the house of the Bergados in barangay Basak, police spotted the teenager standing beside Sanchez’s motorcycle while holding the vehicle’s plate number./CORRESPONDENT JUCELL MARIE P. CUYOS