Training set to start for 80 local experts in energy saving project

PROPONENTS of the Philippine Industrial Energy Efficiency Project are preparing to train at least 80 national experts, who can train at least 900 factory personnel on energy management and systems optimization.

The training is part of the preparation phase for the implementation of the five year joint project project of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The project aims to save to save at least 2 million megawatt hours of energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 1.5 million tons in 10 years.

“We are employing the best engineers in the country and we are imparting the information to every Filipino citizen to conserve energy”, said Richard Saing, UNIDO representative and the National Project Coordinator of the Philippine Industrial Energy Efficiency Project.

After the training phase of the project which is expected to be completed in May 2013, the project to introduce the energy management systems standard (ISO 50001) to industrial and manufacturing sector especially factories.

Director Antonio Labios of DOE Region 7 said that the focus of the project would be to optimize energy use in all medium and large industries in four sub-sectors — food and beverages, chemical, metal and steel, and paper.

The project started in Dec. 1, 2011. /Correspondent Joy C. Quito