Groups continue to raise funds for Zamboanga City dog hero

KABANG in the company of a grandson of her masters at Pasonanca Park in Zamboanga City. PHOTO BY DR. ANTON LIM/TZU CHI FOUNDATION/CONTRIBUTOR

ZAMBOANGA CITY—Good Samaritans are still raising the funds needed to have a hero dog that lost her snout in the process of saving two girls get surgery in the United States.

Lack of funds is delaying the planned US surgery of Kabang, a dog declared a hero for running on the path of a speeding motorcycle that was about to hit two daughters of her masters in a village here.

Dr. Anton Lim, veterinarian working with the Tzu Chi Foundation, said at least $20,000 is needed for Kabang’s surgery “and we have generated $4,000 so far.”

Lim said his group continued to raise funds for Kabang in partnership with the California-based UC Davis Veterinary Medicine, Philippine Air Lines, Global Animal Transport, Animal Welfare Coalition and Hallmark Inn Davis in California via the website

Lim said what saddens him was that while animal welfare groups abroad are all out in supporting Kabang, efforts of local groups are being questioned by some animal care organizations in the country.

“Kabang saved lives and that made her a hero,” Lim said.

Lim said they were hoping to finally bring Kabang to the United States this month. He said his group sought to raise at least $6,000 more if the original target of $20,000 could not be reached this month.

“There’s already a place to stay in the US while Kabang will be undergoing treatment,” Lim said.

Aside from lack of funds, he said Kabang also needed to be familiar with other people that would accompany the dog to the States.

Her masters, Rudy and Christina Bunggal, could not accompany Kabang to the States for not having travel documents.

Kabang is now in a controlled environment and is receiving regular antibiotics to prepare her for the reconstructive surgery, Lim said.

“We need to give her antibiotics regularly to protect her open wounds,” he said.

Rudy said he had waived his right to accompany Kabang and had entrusted her to Lim and the other veterinarians that have been helping the family pet. The groups helping them include Animal Welfare Coalition through Mona Consunji. Julie Alipala, Inquirer Mindanao