‘Addict’ scares girl

AN 11-YEAR-OLD girl in barangay Pardo, Cebu City, was injured when she jumped off a moving trisikad to avoid a man who tried to inject her with suspected drugs.

The girl sustained bruises in the body because of the leap.

The man, identified as Albert Paredes, was believed to be a drug addict, said police.

Police said the girl came from school and took the trisikad for a ride home.

Police said that for security reasons, the girl’s mother had instructed her to ride on a trisikad alone and just pay the vacant seat.

The trisikad was already moving when a man forced himself inside the trisikad.

While traveling, the girl saw the man take two syringes from his pocket.

Out of fear, the girl jumped off the trisikad but was momentarily dragged after the man grabbed her.

The girl was able to free herself and ran until she met a Bureau of Jail Management and Penology worker who brought her to the Pardo police station.

Responding police failed to locate the man./CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON