Thai ambassador visits Southwestern University

THAILAND Ambassador to the Philippines Prasas Prasasvinitchai visited Southwestern University (SWU) on Monday.

SWU chair of the Board Maris Johanna Holopainen, university president Dr. Elsa Suralta,  Matias H. Aznar II Memorial College of Medicine (MHAM-CM) Dean Dr. Peter Aznar, other school officials, employees and students welcomed the ambassador with an arrival honors spearheaded by the cadets of the Maritime Regiment.

The SWU Dance Troupe also treated him to spectacular and colorful cultural presentations.

Strengthening of ties between the two parties was the main goal of the visit.

Academic concerns of the Thai students, especially in the College of Medicine, were discussed in a meeting between Prasasvinitchai and school officials.

Southwestern University is home to more than 80 Thai students currently enrolled in medicine, arts and sciences and graduate school programs. /contributor Wilfe T. Besin