Former inmate killed

A former inmate was shot dead while he slept outside a sari-sari store in barangay Canyuco, Dumanjug town, southern Cebu.

Apolo Macario, 43, died on the spot with a gunshot wound in the head.

Police said Macario was jailed for a rape case in 2010. The man was released from jail after the case was dismissed in the same year.

Police said personal grudges and illegal drugs connections are being looked into as possible motive in the killing.

SPO1 Reynaldo Layese of the Dumanjug police said Macario was in the illegal drug watch list of the police last year.

Before the attack, Macario attended a fiesta celebration in barangay Minolos, Barili town, last Monday night.

Police said Macario allegedly had a fistfight with an unidentified bystander in the area after he reportedly asked money from the owners of the amusement park (peryahan).

Police said Macario left Barili around 11 p.m. and went back to Dumanjug.

Police said Macario slept outside the sari-sari owned by a relative.

Irene, the owner of the store, told police she heard bursts of gunfire and later found a bloodied Macario lying on top of a bench outside her store past 1 a.m. yesterday.

Police said no witnesses came forward to shed light on the incident.

Macario’s body was brought to Sacred Heart Funeral Homes in Ronda town for autopsy.

SPO1 Joselito Abella of the Dumanjug police said it was possible that someone took offense when Macario tried to extort money from the “peryahan” owners./WITH A REPORT FROM CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC