Kin of dead prosecutors get survivorship benefits

Department of Justice (DOJ) facade

Inquirer photo/Noy Morcoso

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Tuesday that it had started distributing survivorship benefits to eligible families of deceased retired prosecutors under Republic Act No. 11643.

The benefits were credited to the bank accounts of the first batch of 25 qualified beneficiaries covering the period of Jan. 1 to July 1, the DOJ said in a statement.

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Under the law signed in 2022, the families of eligible prosecutors can receive survivorship benefits that include all accrued retirement benefits the deceased prosecutor would have been entitled to.

“Our commitment to honoring our prosecutors goes beyond life, considering they have sacrificed so much in the administration of the criminal justice system,” Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said.

Based on DOJ Circular No. 38 signed by Remulla in 2023, “claims may only be filed by the legitimate surviving spouse, dependent child/children of the qualified prosecutor, or legal guardian or duly authorized representative of the qualified beneficiary/ies.” — Jane Bautista