Comelec execs to accusers: File bribery allegations in proper venues

Commissioners of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said on Wednesday that personalities who claim that the agency was engaged in wrongdoing should utilize proper channels so that they can respond properly.

Comelec headquarters in Intramuros, Manila. INQUIRER FILES

MANILA, Philippines — Commissioners of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) said on Wednesday that personalities who claim that the agency was engaged in wrongdoing should utilize proper channels so that they can respond properly.

According to Commissioners Socorro Inting and Nelson Celis, these personalities should bring their case to a court of law so that evidence on both sides can be properly presented.

READ: Garcia to NBI: Probe bribery raps, ‘it’s a demolition job vs Comelec’

“‘Wag kayo pumaris sa Marites. Do not crucify us in the court of public opinion. Crucify us in the courts of law because we will be ready to face you with our evidence,” Inting said.

(Do not be like the rumormongers. Do not crucify us in the court of public opinion. Crucify us in the courts of law because we will be ready to face you with our evidence.)

“Kung gusto nila mag-akusa, let’s sit down, kung gusto niyo, dalhin sa korte, kasi kami, during my time dinadala rin po namin sa korte ‘yan, kung meron kaming allegations,” Celis said.

(If they want to accuse, let’s sit down, if you want, bring it to the courts, because during my time, we bring it to the courts if we have allegations.)

Meanwhile, Commissioner Aimee Ferolino likewise agreed that this issue should not become a trial by publicity, while Commissioner Marlon Casquejo, who described it as an attack on the Comelec itself, said that the persons who accused the commission of wrongdoing will be held accountable.

“Clearly we see this as a direct attack not only to our chairperson George Erwin Garcia but to the entire institution. As you can see we are united. So we will see to it that those persons who are doing these malicious attack against the institution ay mananagot hanggang sa huling-huli,” Casquejo said.

(Clearly we see this as a direct attack not only to our chairperson George Erwin Garcia but to the entire institution. As you can see we are united. So we will see to it that those persons who are doing these malicious attack against the institution will be accountable to the end.)

“Give us a fair chance. ‘Wag naman ‘yong unfair na sweeping accusations. Ayusin lang nila ‘yong akusasyon nila at sa tamang forum. ‘Wag ‘yong trial by publicity,” Ferolino added.

(Give us a fair chance, not sweeping accusations that are unfair. They should fix their accusations and bring it to the proper forum, not a trial by publicity.)

In addition, Commissioner Ernesto Maceda Jr. said that the Comelec has always been transparent in their actions, and Commissioner Rey Bulay said that the persons who accuse them should see their performance in the 2025 elections before making claims.

“[M]akikita niyo na sinubukan po naming gawin lahat ng mga hakbang na kitang-kita ng taumbayan dahil ang gusto nga po namin ay wala pong makapagsasabi na kami ay kumikilos sa kadiliman or in the shadows,” Maceda added.

(You see that we have tried to ensure that all our steps will be seen by the public because we want that no one can say that we move in the dark or in the shadow.)

“Alam niyo po, bayaan niyo pong patunayan namin na kaya naming itong eleksyon na ito, na kaya namin gawin to your expectation. ‘Pag hindi po ay hindi naman po natutulog ang batas, ‘di saka niyo kami balikan,” Bulay said.

(You know, let us prove ourselves that we can conduct a proper election, that we can do it based on your expectation. If not, the law does not sleep, then that’s the time you come back to us.)

READ: Comelec chief urged to clarify, address alleged bribery

The statements of the officials came after accusations that around P49 billion of funds were transferred from to several offshore accounts connected with an unnamed Comelec official.

Garcia said that he was the one being referred to by the claims, but has denied the allegations.