3 drug suspects nabbed during a pot session in Lucena City

3 drug suspects nabbed in pot session in Lucena City


LUCENA CITY — Police arrested three suspected drug users while allegedly having a pot session in this city on Saturday (July 13), police said.

In a report on Sunday (July 14), Lieutenant Colonel William Angway Jr., Lucena police chief, said the suspects – “Junar,” 52; “Erick,”46; and “Allan,” 32 – were found sniffing shabu (crystal meth) in Barangay (village) Silangang Mayao around 8 p.m.

Police learned about the activity after their station was tipped off by an unidentified informant about the ongoing pot session.

Cops seized from Junar one plastic sachet containing shabu worth P51,000 in the street market and drug paraphernalia from the group.

The suspects were detained, and cases of violating the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 are being prepared against them.

Police said the raid was the result of an intensified anti-illegal drug campaign targeting drug dens.

Most of the information on illegal drugs are being provided by concerned citizens by phone calls and text messages through the police hotlines.