VP Duterte: My priority now is DepEd transition, not politics

Vice President Sara Duterte

Vice President Sara Duterte has resigned as Education secretary. It will take effect on July 19.

MANILA, Philippines — Vice President Sara Duterte on Tuesday said becoming a part of the political opposition is not yet in the picture, as her “priority” is the turnover of leadership in the Department of Education (DepEd).

Duterte has resigned as DepEd chief and vice chair of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict. It will take effect on July 19.

READ: Romualdez doesn’t consider Sara Duterte as opposition just yet

“I am not discussing politics right now. Our priority is to find out who the new secretary of the Department of Education will be, and to ensure a smooth transition from the former secretary to the new secretary,” she said in Filipino during an ambush interview in Cagayan de Oro City.

Duterte was also asked about the reason for her resignation.

“Our priority right now is the transition and turnover to the new secretary. Let us focus on that before discussing other matters,” she said.

READ: Sara Duterte resigns as DepEd secretary, says Palace

When asked for comment on calls that the next DepEd chief should come from the education sector, Duterte said there is no such requirement for the position.

“It depends because the position of secretary is a position of trust and confidence, first and foremost. Secondly, there are no specific requirements for an education secretary; in fact, if you look around Southeast Asia, you will see that not all education secretaries come from the education sector,” she said in Filipino.

“First and foremost, as a secretary, you are a leader and a manager,” she added.

READ: Sara Duterte resigns as DepEd secretary, says Palace

Duterte also maintained that she and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. remain “friends” despite her resignation from DepEd.

“I think President Bongbong Marcos and I are still friends,” she said.