Quezon bust yields shabu worth P2M from 6 nabbed suspects

Quezon bust yields shabu worth P2M from 2 nabbed suspects


LUCENA CITY — Police anti-narcotics agents arrested six alleged drug traffickers on Sunday, April 14, and seized more than P2 million worth of “shabu” (crystal meth) and two illegal firearms in separate
buy-bust operations in Quezon province.

Tiaong operatives arrested at 10:45 a.m. “Neil,” 28, after he sold a pack of shabu to an undercover cop in Barangay Lagalag, Colonel Ledon Monte, Quezon police chief, reported.

Seized from the suspect, who is a “high-value” target in the government’s drug war, were 11 plastic sachets of meth weighing 78.43 grams with a standard drug price of P533,324.

The confiscated meth was worth P1,599,972 in the street market at P20,400 per gram, the report said.

READ: Quezon buy-busts: 2 guns, ‘shabu’ seized from 3 suspects

Police also found the suspect carrying a Berreta .9mm pistol loaded with five bullets. The gun had the mark, “PNP Property ” with the corresponding serial number.

Authorities are investigating to determine the owner of the firearm.

At 6:30 a.m., the same police team also held “Lester,” 34, in Barangay Lusacan.

The suspect, an identified street pusher in the village, yielded two sachets of shabu worth P111,996 in the street market.

READ: Cops seize shabu worth P489,000, gun in Rizal, Quezon busts

In the operations, police confiscated two motorcycles believed to have been used by the suspects in their illegal drug trade.

In Lucena City, local drug enforcers nabbed at 6:50 p.m. one alias “Baboy” in a sting set-up in Barangay Ibabang Iyam.

The suspect was found in alleged possession of P119,340 worth of shabu in the street market.

Police tagged the suspect as another “high-value” target and an alleged member of a drug syndicate.

Later, at 11:28 p.m., anti-illegal drug operatives busted “Shaider,” “Utoy,” and “Moneth” in another part of the same village.

Seized from the suspects were shabu, with a total street value of P208,896.

Utoy also yielded an undocumented .38 revolver loaded with two bullets.

All suspects were placed in police custody and faced charges of violating the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002.

Neil and Utoy will be slapped with another case for illegal possession of a firearm. INQ