Bayan Muna: Drive to cancel Charter change signatures continues

Duterte promoting ‘intolerance of dissent’ in the country — Colmenares

FILE PHOTO: Bayan Muna chairperson Neri Colmenares says on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, that their campaign to cancel signatures for Charter change will continue despite the decision of the Commission on Elections to suspend all proceedings regarding an alleged people’s initiative to amend the 1987 Constitution. Philippine Daily Inquirer / Kimberly dela Cruz

MANILA, Philippines — The Bayan Muna party-list will continue to collect affidavits from Filipinos who wish to withdraw their signatures for a petition calling for amendments to the 1987 Constitution.

The signatures were first gathered in a campaign carried out by proponents of an alleged people’s initiative (PI) for Charter change (Cha-cha).

Bayan Muna’s initiative will push through despite the Commission on Elections (Comelec) suspending all proceedings regarding PI, including the acceptance of signature forms in its local election offices, according to Bayan Muna chairperson Neri Colmenares.

Colmenares said they will continue to collect the “Affidavit and Manifestation of Withdrawal” as long as Cha-cha movers continue to collect signatures.

“The recent move of Comelec to suspend processing the PI signatures does not mean that those against Cha-cha should stop mobilizing against it,” he said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

“We will continue collecting ‘bawi-pirma’ affidavits and conducting forums all over the country, the battle is not yet over,” he added.

READ: Bayan Muna’s distribution of PI’s withdrawal affidavit premature – Comelec chief

Colmenares, a lawyer, also said it is possible for the private group proponent of PI, People’s Initiative for Reform Modernization and Action (PIRMA), to file a mandamus case against Comelec which may prompt the poll body to lift the suspension.

“We do not want to be caught flatfooted if Comelec suddenly lifts the suspension,” the Bayan Muna chair continued.

“As long as PIRMA and its supporters do not abandon the PI and Cha-cha, the fight against Cha-cha continues,” Colmenares stressed.

In a press conference in Manila on Monday, Comelec Chair George Garcia said the constitutional body has decided to suspend all PI proceedings to make way for the review and amendment of rules regarding the signature campaign for Cha-cha

On Sunday, Bayan Muna disclosed that it started disseminating withdrawal forms for Filipinos “duped” into signing for the PI on Cha-cha. The group said its move will “right a wrong.”