Alex Binghay for Congress?

A NEW Facebook fan page endorses him as a potential congressman for Cebu’s 3rd district but Provincial Board Member Alex Binghay is playing it cool.

He said close friends made the fan page “just in case . . .”

“Ug hagiton gyud ko, dili man ta kamao mobalibad (If I am challenged to run, I’m not the type to say no),” he told reporters in the residence of 3rd district Rep. Pablo John Garcia in Pinamungahan on Thursday.

Binghay, a former mayor of Balamabn town, is a stalwart of the One Cebu party, which is looking for someone to run for Garcia’s district seat in 2013 since Garcia intends to run for Cebu governor.

“It all depends on the party. The party will decide who to field as candidate,” said Binghay, who’s son Ace is mayor of Balamban in the west coast.

Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia triggered speculation that she may run for the 3rd district when she suddenly transferred her voter’s registration from Dumanjug in the 2nd district to the neighboring town of Barili in the 3rd district on Thursday.

“I’m old. I want to rest, said Binghay, “but if they would order me to run, I am able and willing. If I will run for board member, it’s still the same as running for congress. The only difference is that I don’t have enough funding to run as congressman.”

With Binghay’s name in the open, Congressman Garcia said this only proves that One Cebu party has a “wealth of talent.”

“Even if I leave my post as a congressman, there’s a lot of talent that could replace me here,” he told reporters.

The Facebook page of Binghay was created in April 29, 2012. As of yesterday, it has 45 likes. /Correspondent Carmel Loise Matus