Over 64,000 pass CSC career service exam in August 2023

MANILA, Philippines — The Civil Service Commission (CSC) announced that there were more than 64,000 passers in the August 2023 Career Service Examination, Pen and Paper Test for Professional and Nonprofessional levels.

A total of 345,293 examinees took the exam on August 20, while 373,638 initially registered.

There were 56,672 examinees who passed the professional level. The most came from the National Capital Region, with 10,759 passers, while the least came from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) with 309 passers.

On the other hand, 7,693 passed the subprofessional level of the exams. The National Capital Region also led this list with 1,789 examinees passing, and the BARMM had the least with 13 passers.

All in all, there were 64,635 passers. The full list of passers can be accessed by clicking this link for the professional level and this link for the unprofessional level.

Here is a list of the number of passers per region:

Professional category

Subprofessional category

In its advisory posted on its website, the CSC said that passers may request their official Certificate of Eligibility from the CSC by December 4 from the office where they took their exam.


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