555 pass September 2023 Librarians Licensure Examination — PRC

The country has 708 new physical therapists and 128 new occupational therapists after passing their respective licensure examinations, the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announced Tuesday. 


MANILA, Philippines — 555 out of 886 examinees passed the September 2023 Librarians Licensure Examination, the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) announced on Friday.

Zamylle Celso from the University of the East – Manila topped the licensure examination. with a rating of 88.85%, followed by Ana Curitana from the National Teacher’s College (88.45%) and Floralene Marquez from the Notre Dame of Dadiangas University Inc. (88.40%).
The top-performing school was University of the Philippines – Diliman with a 100% passing rate, followed by the Philippine Normal University – Manila (96.88%),  enguet State University – La Trinidad (91.18%), and Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation – Lucena City (80.77%).

The PRC said that the date and venue of the oath taking ceremony for successful examinees will be announced at a later date.


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