Murder, gun charges filed against suspect

Charges of illegal possession of firearms and murder were filed against a habal-habal driver in relation to last Monday evening’s shooting spree that killed three people and injured several others in barangay Tamiao, Compostela town.

Basildes Ponce, a resident of Danao City, was presented for inquest proceedings at the Cebu City Prosecutor’s Office. He was given 15 days to submit his counter-affidavit on the case.

He was among three men accused of shooting down the husband of a barangay captain and firing shots at the crowd during a variety show done in preparation for the town’s fiesta this Saturday.

Ponce denied shooting to death businessman Marito Yraola, husband of barangay captain Lilian Yraola, twice on the back of his head.

He claimed he was tortured by police to admit to the crime as shown by the bruises he sustained on his face.

Ponce said he worked as a farm guard and habal-habal driver to sustain his wife and their four children. He also claimed to be a former New People’s Army (NPA) rebel.

Yraola’s employee Matheo Lawas said he was behind his boss when the shooting took place. Lawas alleged that he saw Ponce and his cohorts appear and shoot Marito and the crowd.

Asst. Provincial Prosecutor Fiscal Jay Paradiang said Ponce should present strong evidence; otherwise, he will elevate the charges before the Regional Trial Court in Mandaue City, which has jurisdiction over cases in Compostela.

The family of two other murder victims, Jaime Pateño Jr. and Marilou Lico Mahinay, appealed for justice for the deaths of their loved ones.

Mahinay’s mother, Elisa Lico of Butuan City, said she talked to Marilou before her death. Mahinay died of a gunshot wound on her chest.

Pateño Jr. is the brother of barangay councilor Laila Mae Pateño Talingting, who was wounded.  Marilou Mahinay is the wife of barangay councilor Marino Mahinay.

Supt. Rodulfo Albotra, chief of the Provincial Intelligence Branch (PIB) of the Cebu Provincial Police Office said investigators are still getting the statements of several eye-witnesses. Lilian said she has no idea about the motive of the killing.

Marieto is engaged in real estate and construction and was a former municipal council candidate under the camp of former mayor Ritchie Wagas.

Marieto’s 22-year-old daughter Marian was hit in the right leg. Jaime Pateño Jr. died of a gunshot wound on his right abdomen and buttock.

Ponce claimed he was surveying the area since he was a military asset. With Correspondents Rhea Ruth V. Rosell and Gabriel C. Bonjoc