CHEd issues show-cause order vs PCU for ‘series of offenses’

The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) issued a show-cause order against the Philippine Christian University (PCU) on Aug. 15, citing a “series of offenses” committed by the higher education institution (HEI).

CHEd chair Prospero De Vera III in a statement on Monday said the commission had ordered the PCU to immediately stop offering and implementing “any and all programs for which it does not have official CHEd permit, recognition or authorization to offer or conduct.”

The cease and desist order includes transnational higher education, distance education and fully online classes being offered by the university.

Based on CHEd’s initial investigation, PCU was found to be offering transnational higher education programs without the required government permit, in violation of Republic Act no. 11448, or the Transnational Higher Education, and CHEd Memorandum Order No. 6, s. 2023.

No authorization

Under RA 11448, foreign and local universities are allowed to forge partnerships to increase the access of Filipino students to international quality education standards and degree programs without the need to go abroad.

PCU also failed to give data on its international institutional partners, including memorandum of agreement and accomplished activities, according to CHEd.

The PCU also did not comply with the prescribed faculty to student ratio for its Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management program and posted public announcements about its transnational higher education programs without authorization, CHEd said.

The CHEd likewise cited PCU for “partnering with institutions that are not recognized by their respective governments as quality higher education providers nor accredited by recognized accrediting body(ies) in its country of origin.”

PCU also offered shortened graduate programs through extension classes via distance education and online modalities without authority, CHEd said, violating CHEd Memorandum Order No. 27, s. 2005.

Under its Transnational Education and Extension Program, PCU offers the following: master in business administration, master in management, doctor of philosophy in business management, postdoctoral program in strategic management and leadership and postdoctoral program in total quality management.

“These graduate programs can be undertaken using pure online, blended and face-to-face learning modalities on a trimestral basis,” PCU said on its website. INQ


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