Bivalent vaccine limited on June 21 launch but mono COVID doses available – DOH

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MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Health (DOH) will launch the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines on June 21 at the Philippine Heart Center following the distribution of the doses to its various health development centers, it announced on Wednesday.

According to the health department, all DOH Centers for Health Development (CHDs) should receive their supplies of the bivalent vaccines by Wednesday’s end. These doses will be distributed to select health facilities in the following days.

According to the DOH, the Pfizer bivalent vaccines will be rolled out in phases to prioritize the protection of healthcare workers (HCWs) and the most vulnerable demographics.

Only HCWs and senior citizens who have received their second booster shots within the last four to six months are eligible for the first phase of the bivalent vaccine rollout.

“While there is a limited current supply of bivalent vaccines, there is still an adequate supply of monovalent COVID-19 vaccines. The Department of Health encourages Filipinos to get available booster shots to ensure their continued protection,” said the health department.

The DOH also reported that its Epidemiology Bureau has yet to receive submissions for bivalent booster dose accomplishments as they are still being distributed regionally.

In coordination with respective local government units and Local Vaccination Operations Centers (LVOCs), CHDs and Regional Vaccination Operations Centers (RVOCs) can allocate doses to their respective vaccination sites directly.

The DOH has yet to provide an in-depth breakdown of bivalent vaccine allocation as it anticipates changes over time.


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