Man killed, 50 houses razed in Quezon City fire

MANILA, Philippines–A man was killed and two others were injured in a four-hour fire that raged through a shanty community in Quezon City, a city fire officer said Monday.

Fire Officer 1 Francisco Mabunga said Romulo Francia, 52, died after returning to his house to save his belongings from the blaze that razed his house and around 50 others in Barangay (village) Apolonio Samson.

Mabunga said authorities were unable to identify the two injured as they were rushed to hospital.

The fire broke out at 9:45 p.m. Sunday and reached fifth alarm. It was put out at 1:40 a.m. Monday, he said.

The officer said the fire may have been caused by an unattended candle in the house of Richard Velasco of No. 47 Lorraine Street.

One hundred families lost their homes and around P3 million-worth of properties were destroyed by the fire, he said.