Sex worker nabbed for blackmailing married man

Stock photo of handcuffs on top of fingerprinting forms. STORY: Sex worker nabbed for blackmailing married man stock photo

MANILA, Philippines — A woman was arrested in a sting by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation on Sunday after allegedly extorting money from a married man with whom she had a sexual encounter.

Investigation revealed that the suspect, Marielle Cruz Padel, aka “Lyka Cruz Padel,” met the complainant on social media and had sex with him.

Padel later informed the complainant that she was impregnated by him and demanded money, which the latter acceded to.

Sometime after, the complainant received a message from the alleged twin sister of Padel who introduced herself as “Lyka” and told him that Marielle had died as a result of a botched abortion.

“Lyka” then threatened to ruin his reputation if he would not compensate her for their loss.

The complainant had sent P9.9 million to the suspect before he found out that Lyka and Marielle were actually one and the same person.

As a result, the complainant sought the help of NBI agents who set up an entrapment operation leading to Padel’s arrest. The suspect was charged with robbery and extortion.



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