Cop arrested for shooting, wounding 2 persons in Cabanatuan City

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CABANATUAN CITY – A police officer was arrested after he shot two persons with his service firearm in this city on New Year’s day.

Patrolman Andres Quibuyen III was arrested in Barangay (village) Aduas Centro at around 12:30 a.m. Jan. 1.

He is detailed at the Philippine National Police’s Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement Group (IMEG) in Camp Crame.

Responding police officers seized a  firearm from the suspect.

“Initial investigation revealed the suspect who is under the influence of intoxicating liquor shot the victims with the use of a short firearm,” the local police reported.

The reason for the shooting was not stated in the report.

Meanwhile, victims Arapat Pandodum, 26, and Salman Mama, 28, of Barangay Rizdelis, also in this city, were being treated in a local hospital, police said.

A formal complaint for double frustrated homicide was filed against Quibuyen before the city prosecutor’s office.
