Move It to Robin Padilla: Forward motorcycle taxi bill

In post-COVID public transport, gov’t gives glance at motorcycle taxis


MANILA, Philippines – Transport group Move It has asked Senator Robin Padilla to forward the motorcycle taxi bill to employ more motorcycle drivers and create more transport options for commuters.

According to Move It chairman Francis Juan, motorcycle taxis remain illegal in the eyes of the law but are temporarily operating as a means to collect data to guide the motorcycle taxi bill.

The Move It chairman also slammed the inaction of politicians on the bill despite the technical working group (TWG) submitting its report to Congress.

“Three years of TWG study with zero output from our politicians. Every day of delay only benefits us – Angkas, Joyride, and Move It – while the public, the commuters, pay the price. This has to stop. Thus we call on [Senator] Padilla to take up the cudgel for the poor and needy” Juan said.

READ: As swift passage is promised, motorcycle taxi bill seen moving forward

The government backed the pilot study that Juan is referring to. It began in June 2019 and allowed ride-hailing firms Angkas, JoyRide and MoveIt to use motorcycles as public utility vehicles.

Juan also said that if the bill had already passed, it would have benefited those who were stranded due to Severe Tropical Storm Paeng (international name: Nalgae).

“The gridlock caused by Paeng immobilized jeepneys and buses. Commuters were helpless in the rain for hours without a ride. If the motorcycle taxis have been fully mobilized and legalized, there would have been more of them to serve the commuters,” said Juan.

Moreover, he also said that the government should not put a cap on the number of operators and motorcycle taxis to add more competition.

“Promote competition for service to improve. With competition, fares might even go down. Sen. Padilla, please lead the way and protect the public,” Juan said.


Stranded? Move It is here to save you and your wallet from rush hour woes

Solon urges Technical Working Group to legalize motorcycle taxis
