Bongbong Marcos names Jay Art Tugade as acting MIAA chief

PHOTO: MIAA/Meralco Biz/

MANILA, Philippines — President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. has appointed lawyer Jose Arturo “Jay Art” Tugade as acting general manager of the Manila International Airport Authority (MIAA).

This was confirmed by the Office of the Press Secretary officer-in-charge Usec. Cheloy Garafil on Wednesday.

“Yes, he is confirmed,” she told reporters.

Jay Art is the youngest son of former Transportation Secretary Arthur Tugade who served under the Duterte administration.

He will serve as the acting general manager, chief executive officer and member of the board of directors in MIAA.

Tugade will replace Cesar Chiong.

Malacañang has yet to release his appointment papers.


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