The signs | Inquirer News

The signs

08:13 AM March 25, 2012

I was greatly disappointed!

It’s been quite some time since I felt so disappointed. Last time my memory takes me was  when a signature bag I bought for P2,400  went on sale three months after I bought it. And the new price? P500.  That was last year.

Seriously now, this latest disappointment made my heart plunge deeper. Curious now?


Well, on New Year’s Eve, my pet labrador-dalmatian went into her second heat (for non-dog lovers, this means having her menstrual period) for the year. And because Kaela turned 2 years old then, she was ready to meet her stud (a male dog retained for breeding).


So last Jan 9, the mating happened…and two more days thereafter. I was excited to get yellow gold Labrador puppies, a great change from my black haired  Kaela. The stud is a healthy, full-bred Labrador named George.

By Feb 22, Kaela had an  ultrasound test. I was confident about  her puppies right there in  her belly. Within the first month after her stud date, I saw the tell-tale signs of what I thought was pregnancy: vomiting after eating, lethargic movements, constant sleeping, voracious eating, loud burps, nipple growth, a different sleeping position, and increased shedding of hair.

Imagine how my face fell when the vet shook her head and said “Negative.” Huh? For a brief moment, I debated with her. I saw the signs, I said. What happened to the signs?

We want to believe in signs. The signs boost our belief, remove doubts. Until we see the signs, we pooh-pooh things away.

Take the “signs” of the end times.

Today many secular as well as religious authorities recognize “These are extraordinary times.” The events continuing to unfold in the world today are seen by Bible students and even newsmen who have been covering world events as “signs of the last days”. There is something unique in how fast recent developments have unfolded in all parts of the world, they say.


The “signs” we see around us remind us that there is much evil in the world. And that these are preludes to the end of the world –  “wars and rumors of wars”  “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom , “There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.” (Matthew 24:6ff ), collapse of ethical and moral values, mass destruction from natural disasters, a breakdown of family ties,  etc.

All these are visible around us. Yet some people  remain blinded to these signs of the times. Sadly even our leaders are going  down the path to destruction.

Those who have spiritual illumination and discernment from the Holy Spirit understand the trends and meanings of history. Though we simply cannot be certain how the current tragedies fit into the larger prophetic picture, it’s best to say “I don’t know”  or ask “Why?” rather than ignore the signs or pretend that everything is well in the world.

The “signs” that we see may not necessarily be the signal of the end of days but  we must be aware that the chaos , troubles and strife we’re experiencing are results of our rebellion against God and His creation – people, nature and Church.

To believe the “signs” or not to believe,  that is the question (with due respect to Shakespeare). But I think the greater call  is for a  change of heart not fear of the signs that are happening

I believe the “signs” are God’s warnings to the world. It is very clear that we have gone away from Him and the warnings are designed to turn us back to Him.

And if the signs are “birth pains” (Matt 24:8), we re-ally need to change our hearts now. There is no telling that the signs will continue to intensify. We need to be ready ourselves, our souls, our entire being.

To believe the signs or not to believe? The question should be to be saved or not?

Let us not be engrossed in watching for the signs but rather in heeding them.  Let’s not wait to see more signs to believe, but rather believe now so we can see.

Believe that God wills us to turn back to Him and if we do, the sign will not be of terror but of salvation and healing in our land.

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron 7:14)

That is God’s will – to heal and save us. The signs are all for our good. Never mind if they seem bad.

Looking back now, it’s good I didn’t have a pregnant dog or else work would  be grueling.  Having to watch over a pregnant dog and later her litter may be  overwhelming for me.

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God truly saves and has  perfect timing. What signs do we still need?

TAGS: faith

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