Man in Talisay shot dead in vigil wake

A MAN was shot dead while attending the vigil wake of a friend in barangay Valladolid, Carcar City, southern Cebu at dawn yesterday.

Investigators are checking if the killing of Arman Alcoy had something to do with his affiliation  with the police as a civilian asset.

Police said Alcoy was playing a card game when an unidentified man appeared from behind and shot him in the head then fired the gun in the air several times before disappearing in the dark.

The bursts of gunfire sent the other people in the wake scampering for safety. A stray bullet hit Lorna Bento, 26, in the left leg.

Alcoy, a resident of barangay Poblacion, Carcar, was rushed to the Carcar District Hopital but he did not make it alive./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC

Police Files