Police Files


A 22-YEAR-OLD man was shot dead by a motorcycle-riding assailant in barangay Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City.

Diano Tesoro was rushed to the Lapu-Lapu City Hospital with a bullet still embedded in his head. The victim did not reach the hospital alive.

Police said Tesoro was walking along a road with his cousin, a minor, when a motorcycle with three men on board drove beside them.

One of the backriders shot Tesoro, said PO2 Carlos Barluado, homicide investigator of the Cebu City Police Office. The boy was a unharmed.

An empty shell of a .9mm pistol was recovered in the crime scene, said police.

Police said the motive of the attack is still under investigation

Tesoro was previously detained for a robbery case./CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA


POLICE caught a butcher carrying several packs of suspected shabu in barangay Mantuyong, Mandaue City.

Joey Fuentes yielded five packs of suspected shabu. Each pack was worth P150, said police.

Police said Fuentes admitted that he was involved in selling drugs.

Insp. Mark Edward Barrios, deputy chief of the Mandaue City police station 1, said patrolling policemen spotted Fuentes acting suspiciously at dawn Saturday.

Fuentes tried to run but policemen cornered him.

Policemen  frisked the man and found the packs of suspected drugs in his pocket.

Barrios said a text message was found in Fuentes’ cell phone warning him of the arriving policemen.

The man will be charged with violating Republic Act 9165 also known as the Dangerous Drugs Act./CORRESPONDENT NORMAN V. MENDOZA