Police official loses PC Hills housing privilege

A POLICE official whose housing privileges in PC Hills have been cut off threatened to file charges against Chief Supt. Marcelo Garbo, head of the Police Regional Office in Central Visayas (PRO-7).

Supt. Marzan Premne, who is now based in Mindanao, flared up when he was barred by police at the gate from entering the compound, which is reserved for police officials.

Premne also complained that water supply to his quarters inside was cut off. He was prevented from entering the main gate by members of the Regional Mobile Group (MPG.

With this, Premne, who used to serve as Mandaue city police chief, said he is contemplating on filing charges against Garbo and Chief Supt. Samuel Yordan, deputy chief for administration.

In a phone interview, Garbo said Premne is free to file a complaint.

Garbo said his command already filed an administrative complaint for disobedience against Premne for not vacating his quarters in PC Hills.

Garbo said only police officials assigned in Central Visayas are entitled to have a residence there.

Premne is now assigned in Zamboanga City in Mindanao./CORRESPONDENT CHITO O. ARAGON