Man arrested for ‘shabu’

POLICE arrested a man who allegedly tried to sell a pack of suspected shabu to another man in barangay Tangke, Talisay City, southern Cebu.

Hever Panugaling was arrested with a pack of suspected shabu in front of the barangay hall yesterday afternoon.

A charge was filed against Panugaling yesterday for violating Republic Act 9165 or the Dangerous Drugs Act.

According to the investigation, PO2 Roy Lofranco and PO1 Euwin Pitogo, who were posted near the barangay hall, heard Panugaling asking another man if he wanted to buy shabu.

Lofranco said Panugaling left and they waited for him to return.

Moments later, Panugaling returned to the area and was seen holding a pack containing white crystalline substance.

The two policemen arrested the man and confiscated the pack believed to contain shabu./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC