Titans rule 1st Private School Devlopmental league

THE PAREF Springdale Titans nabbed their second championship in basketball at the high school level as they hoisted the title in the 1st Private Schools Developmental League by defeating the San Isidro Parish School Tamaraws, 47-34, in the finals last Sunday at the Springdale gym in Lahug.

The Titans also won in the high school play in the City Olympics last year.

Big man Roi Villegas cemented his Most Valuable Player status as he notched almost half of his team’s points in the one-sided bout. Villegas, who was adjudged as the league MVP for this season, had 21 points and was helped by fellow big man Ace Gocuan who had nine markers.

Vince Cena topped the Tamaraws’ losing cause with just seven points. Cena though, made it to the Mythical Five squad along with the Titans’ Zach Go and Villegas, Cebu Cherish School’s Orilgie dela Fuente and Mt. Olive Christian Academy’s Kevin Jenjaquit.

Cebu Cherish School took third place honors after they beat MOCA, 47-43. Dela Fuente outgunned Jenjaquit in their exciting match-up, 24-17. /Correspondent Jonas Panerio