Katrina Ponce-Enrile unveils plans for Cagayan’s first district

Katrina Ponce-Enrile unveils plans for Cagayan's first district

Katrina Ponce-Enrile chats with market vendors in a public market in San Jose, Baggao, Cagayan. Contributed photo

MANILA, Philippines — Katrina Ponce-Enrile has bared her plans to address various issues concerning the first district of Cagayan province, specifically on water and power supply, education, and infrastructure.

Enrile, who is gunning for a seat in Congress as representative of Cagayan’s first district, is proposing the provision of sufficient funds for flood control projects and elevating roads in the district. She also said she wants to establish water distribution facilities to ensure clean water in all parts of District 1.

She is likewise eyeing initiating the construction of a solar power farm that will supply adequate and inexpensive electricity for the entire Region II. Related government agencies will also be tapped to avoid power outages in District 1, she added.

Allocating additional funds to set up more health centers and maternity clinics in all barangays in District 1 was also part of her plans. She said a pay hike for health workers in provincial and government hospitals is already due.

Katrina Ponce-Enrile (left) with her father, former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile, during a rally of supporters in Camalaniugan, Cagayan. Contributed photo

Enrile said she also plans to push for a pay hike and adequate training for teachers, as well as improve and build better school facilities to help increase the quality of schools in Cagayan’s first district and provide public wifi hotspots in every barangay to aid students in their schoolwork.

In providing UNIFAST scholarships and benefits, she said she would increase its coverage to accommodate all qualified students in the district and make sure that allowances and benefits are received on time.

Enrile likewise said she wants to build farm-to-market roads for easier, quicker, and less expensive transportation of goods, provide free seeds and fertilizers to farmers, and draft measures to protect small vendors.

Katrina Ponce-Enrile meets with members of the Gonzaga Municipal Federation of Farmers Irrigators Association and the United OFW members Gonzaga chapter. Contributed photo

Further, she said she plans to build more access roads and highways to help Cagayanos in District 1 travel to other provinces for trading and other ventures. She said these will provide investors and other merchants access to the district, helping them conduct business within the province.

Enrile moreover disclosed that she would promote tourism in Cagayan – locally and internationally – and through it, open more job opportunities within the first district.


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