USC-South claim ThreeSixty 10-Under crown

THE UNIVERSITY of San Carlos-South survived some very tense moments as they pulled off a gritty 32-31 win against their Northern counterparts to claim the championship in the 10-under division of the 2012 ThreeSixty Pharmacy Cup last Sunday at the City Sports Club Cebu basketball court at the Cebu Business Park.

The heroes for USC South were Job Reyes, the son of current USC Warriors head coach Mike Reyes, and Mark Lumayag, who both hit pressure-packed free-throws down the stretch that gave their team the win.

Reyes hit two freebies that broke a 30-all tie with 47 seconds left. Before that, Lumayag hit two from the charity stripe that tied the game with 58 ticks left on the clock.

The game wasn’t over yet. USC North’s Jared Ortiz was fouled and went to the line with 36 seconds remaining for a chance to tie the game. He would make the first but miss the second for the final tally.

Lumayag, Karl Urbano and Brandon Largo scored seven points apiece to lead USC South.

In the 13-under division, the Cebu Eastern College (CEC) Dragons reigned supreme as they outscored the University of the Visayas (UV), 55-45. /Correspondent Jonas Panerio