Yield and join polls, Aquino tells rebels

President Benigno Aquino III. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

CALAPAN CITY—President Benigno Aquino III wants communist rebels to lay down their arms and then participate in the country’s elections.

Mr. Aquino made the remarks on Friday amid reports that the government was negotiating with Communist Party of the Philippines (CCP) founder Jose Ma. Sison for his return to the country.

“Joma would return when something clear has already cropped up in the negotiations,” President Aquino said when asked if it was fine with him for Sison, who is presently based in Utrecht, Netherlands, to return to the country.

“Our ambition there is to have no more gun battles; let us participate in debates. Then, let’s have elections so that those who’d win in the elections would represent… and decide for all,” he added.

President Aquino said that if Sison would return it would be in pursuit of signing a comprehensive peace agreement with communist rebels.

Sison, who was arrested and jailed during martial law, was released from detention by President Aquino’s mother, the late President Corazon Aquino, when she assumed the presidency following the Edsa people power revolution. Norman Bordadora