Donsol councilor, 2 other aspirants, found dead in Bikoy Advincula’s rented place

An incumbent councilor and two other personalities vying for the said local position were found dead in Peter Joemel “Bikoy” Advincula’s rented place in Albay.

MANILA, Philippines — An incumbent councilor and two other personalities vying for the said local position were found dead in Peter Joemel “Bikoy” Advincula’s rented place in Daraga, Albay, authorities reported on Friday.

According to an initial report, Advincula, 32, personally went to the police on Friday morning to report the incident, which happened on Thursday evening.

The victims were the municipal councilor of Donsol, Sorsogon, Helen Garay, 53; as well as two other aspirants for councilor in the said town identified as Karren Averilla, 44; and Xavier Mirasol, 61.

Advincula told the police that he found the victims in his rented establishment at Barangay Busay in Daraga, Albay on Thursday evening, at around 8:30 pm.

Initial investigation revealed that the suspects could have been killed at around 8:00 am, 10:30 am, and 12:30 pm, according to the report.

It can be recalled that Advincula was involved in the “Ang Totoong Narcolist” video which surfaced back in 2019.