Collector robbed

A LENDING firm collector who was robbed by two men in barangay Dumlog, Talisay City, was able to tag the culprits and recover his stolen motorbike.

Antonio Librando, 34, told police that the he was conducting a round of collection last Tuesday night when two men robbed him at gunpoint.

Librando said the robbers took P13,000 in collection money, a necklace worth P2,000, earrings worth P300, two cellphones worth P2,000 and his Honda motorcycle worth P52,000. Librando ran to the Talisay City Police Station to report the robbery.

Accompanied by Librando, police went to the area where the robbery occurred.

When police arrived in sitio Litmon, Librando saw his motorcycle parked along the road.

Bystanders told police that it was Allan Calunod, 37, who brought the motorcycle there.

Police located Calunod, who was identified by Librando as one of the robbers. Calunod then led the police to the whereabouts of Melito Delariarte, 25./CORRESPONDENT GABRIEL C. BONJOC