CHR calls for aid for homeless individuals during ECQ

CHR calls for aid for homeless individuals during ECQ

Commission on Human Rights office, FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) “urgently” called for assistance for homeless families and individuals amid the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in Metro Manila.

“Homeless street families and individuals are among the most vulnerable sectors during the period of pandemic due to their impoverished situation exacerbated by their lack of access to social and health services,” CHR Spokesperson Jacqueline Ann de Guia said in a statement on Saturday.

De Guia issued her appeal after receiving reports that apt protection and financial and social aid were not provided to the marginalized sector during the ECQ in 2020.

The spokesperson likewise raised that the vulnerable sector faces hurdles such as discrimination to social and health services to include COVID-19 vaccines.

With these challenges, de Guia pushed local government units (LGUs) to provide adequate shelter, to not destroy semi-permanent structures, to not confiscate their properties and belongings, make them qualified for financial aid, and assist them in registering for a COVID-19 vaccine schedule.

Moreover, the spokesperson said that “a separate and adequate program or mechanism for this marginalized group may be necessary in each LGU.”

De Guia further explained, “This is to ensure that no one is left behind so we may truly heal and recover as one and work together towards a better normal.”

Three million of the 4.5 million homeless individuals in the country are in Metro Manila, de Guia cited.


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