Family Appliance bags title in Jr. CBA

FAMILY Appliance Inc. turned to Marvin Bauya to capture the first-ever championship in the Jr. Cebu Basketball Association as they outlasted the Aerophone, 68-65, in Game 3 of the best-of-three finals series last Saturday afternoon at the Cebu Eastern College (CEC) gym.

Bauya finished with a game-high 20 points while Lyle Sumayang, who was eventually named the Most Valuable Player, added 16.  Aerophone was paced by Regidor’s 13.

Aerophone was down by three, 55-58, in the fourth but seized the momentum and the lead, 61-68, after a three-point shot by Dave Guardiario and a three-point play by Mike Rita.

Family Appliance, whose core is composed of the Cebu Schools Athletic Foundation Inc.  juniors champions CEC Dragons, went in front, 63-61, after a basket by Jesus Grijaldo and a huge trifecta from Alfred Sedillo with 2:35 left in the game.

Aerophone, whose team is composed of the cagers from the University of San Carlos, grabbed the driver’s seat for the last time at 64-63, as former CEC stalwart Johnlou Regidor converted on a three-pointer from the left wing.

But the veteran Bauya came to the rescue for CEC as he retaliated with a three-pointer of his own that pushed Family Appliance back in the lead, 66-65, with 1:17 on the clock.

Aerophone had a chance to tie the game as Regidor was sent to the line with under a minute left. He made the first one but was called for a lane violation on the second attempt, a call that elicited anger from the coaching staff of Aerophone, notably Mike Reyes. Grijaldo then sealed the victory and the crown with two free-throws. /Correspondent Jonas Panerio