Palma: In ill health, people are one with God

IN sickness,  people are reminded that they need one another, said  Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma  yesterday.

Palma’s homily marked the 20th World Day of the Sick and the apparition of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, France.

About  400 people with various health problems attended the Mass at the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral, which ended  with the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

“Let us accept that this is an imperfect world. We are affected by the sin committed by our first parents (Adam and Eve). That is the reality of sickness,” Palma said in his homily.

While sufferings and illnesses are part of life, the 61-year-old prelate said there is nothing to fear with God’s love.

“In moments of sickness and difficulties, we unite our suffering to the Lord. Make it (sickness) a participation of the sufferings of Jesus. Let us believe in the love of the Lord,” Palma said.

He said God  didn’t spare his  son, Jesus, from sufferings to save humanity.

Palma said while people longed for physical healing, they should also seek  spiritual and moral healing.

He said this is done through confession and receiving communion.

“If we look at Jesus on the cross, we see a man who suffered although He has done no wrong. Jesus is the picture of an innocent man whom God allowed to suffer,” Palma said.

Palma also lauded those people who serve the sick.

“The sick  reminds us that we need one another,” he said. Reporter Ador Vincent Mayol

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