22 PNP personnel in Olongapo City test positive for COVID-19

OLONGAPO CITY –– The recent mass swab testing among the Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel in this city confirmed that at least 22 of them were infected with COVID-19, local health data showed.

This was the highest single-day record of COVID-19 infections among police personnel in the city since the pandemic began last year.

Most of them contracted the virus while on duty.

But the local police office said all of its stations in the city would remain operational despite this.

The infected persons were placed in a quarantine facility for treatment and observation.

So far, the entire police workforce in Central Luzon has logged over 1,400 COVID-19 cases among their ranks. At least 180 of these remained active.

Five PNP personnel in the region had also died of COVID-19 to date. INQ