Marinduque records 7 new COVID-19 cases

LUCENA CITY — Seven more COVID-19 cases were recorded in Marinduque province Saturday, health authorities said.

The Marinduque health office, in its 5 p.m. bulletin, said the new validated virus carriers were a child, a senior citizen and five adults – five females and two males. They were the only “positives” among 44 new test results.

The four of the new patients are from Boac town and three from the municipality of Sta. Cruz.

The health office also reported the death of one COVID-19 patient in Torrijos town, bringing the total death toll in the province to 15.

As of April 10, the province, which remains under the modified general community quarantine (MGCQ) status, still has 15 active cases – Boac (8), Mogpog (5) and Santa Cruz (2).

Marinduque has logged 327 total COVID-19 cases and 297 recoveries since the pandemic was declared in March last year.

Report said out of the 327 COVID-19 cases, at least 306 were contracted locally while 21 of them got the infection from outside the province.

Governor Presbitero Velasco Jr. has appealed to the public to strictly observe health and safety protocols – wearing of face mask, face shield, washing of hands and observance of safe distancing – to prevent the spread of the dreaded coronavirus.



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