Lorenzana to mull over suspension of UP-DND accord termination, says university exec

A wave of indignation sweeps University of the Philippines campuses, including the main one in Diliman, Quezon City, over the Department of National Defense’s unilateral abrogation of its June 30, 1989, accord with the UP System that bars policemen and soldiers from its campuses. —NIÑO JESUS ORBETA

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of National Defense (DND) said it will mull over the suspension on the termination of its accord with the University of the Philippines (UP), an official of UP said Friday.

Dr. Elena Pernia, vice president for public affairs of UP Diliman, said they asked Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana to suspend the abrogation of the 1989 accord which bars state forces from entering UP campuses without prior notification.

“It is our sincere plea to the Secretary [Lorenzana] that the abrogation will be suspended,” she in an ABS-CBN News Channel interview.

Asked about Lorenzana’s reponse to their plea, Pernia said: “Well, he’ll [Lorenzana] think about it.”

On Thursday, UP and DND held a dialogue to discuss the recent termination of their accord, which took effect in January.

According to a joint statement from UP, DND, and the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd), there will be more meetings to be held to talk about issues of each side on the abrogation of the UP-DND deal.

Pernia said they expect to have another meeting with the defense department by the third week or fourth week of February.
