Lawyers’ group urges judges to be prudent on warrants

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Bar Association (PBA) on Thursday urged judges to exercise prudence in allowing searches and seizures amid calls to investigate a certain court which activists claim has become a “factory of warrants.”

The group’s statement came amid mounting calls to investigate the warrants signed by Quezon City Judge Cecilyn Burgos Villavert.

The PBA said the Constitution guarantees the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures. “Thus, our courts act as our people’s shield against unwarranted searches and seizures. As such, judges must be deliberate, circumspect and prudent in the discharge of this constitutional duty,” the group said.

The lawyers’ group added that the Supreme Court has investigated and sanctioned judges who have taken their responsibilities lightly. “We must remain confident that our [Supreme Court] will remain vigilant and continue to safeguard our people’s constitutional rights,” it added. —TINA G. SANTOS