US records 1,997 coronavirus deaths in 24 hours — Johns Hopkins

NEW YORK, NY - APRIL 19: A casket is placed into a van outside of a funeral home in the heavily Orthodox Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn which has scene a large number of deaths due to the coronavirus on April 19, 2020 in New York City. Hospitals in New York City, which have been especially hard hit by the coronavirus, are just beginning to see a slowdown of COVID-19 cases.   Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP

A casket is placed into a van outside of a funeral home in the heavily Orthodox Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn which has scene a large number of deaths due to the coronavirus on April 19, 2020 in New York City. Spencer Platt/Getty Images/AFP

WASHINGTON — The number of coronavirus deaths in the United States rose by almost 2,000 in the past 24 hours to reach 40,661 on Sunday, a tally from Johns Hopkins University showed.

The rise in deaths, by 1,997, is marginally above the 1,891 which Johns Hopkins data showed a day earlier for the previous 24-hour period to Saturday.

Sunday’s figure came on the same day that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said the epidemic in his hardest-hit state is “past the high point.”

The 24-hour tally in the United States had exceeded 2,500 on Wednesday, Johns Hopkins data showed.

Deaths from COVID-19 in the United States are by far the highest of any country, as is the total number of cases which on Sunday reached 759,086, according to Johns Hopkins.