79-year-old Batangas woman dies due to COVID-19–DOH

SAN PEDRO CITY, Laguna, Philippines — A 79-year-old woman died to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the first reported fatality from Batangas province.

The woman tagged as PH-52 died Mar. 20, nine days after she tested positive for the virus, according to the bulletin released by the Department of Health (DOH) on Sunday afternoon.

The woman, a known hypertensive, died to “multi-organ failure secondary to septic shock from high risk pneumonia secondary to COVID-19, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,” the DOH said.

She had a history of traveling to United Kingdom and was exposed to another person infected with the disease.

The DOH did not specify from where in Batangas the woman was from, while the Batangas health office was still verifying this information, as of this writing.